Si, the 22nd incarnation of Neas the Gladiator of Gallifrey, landed in a pocket dimension parallel to the town of Hawkins, Indiana (from Stranger Things) with her companion, the half-demon known as "Hellboy," during the Halloween of 1983. There, they befriend a girl who only went by "Eleven" (due to the number tattooed on her forearm), who possessed strong telepathic powers...strong enough to control even Si's Type-Z TARDIS.

    Together, the trio met with the locals of Hawkins: Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Joyce Byers, and Chief Jim Hopper. The town was plagued by the disappearance of Will Byers, who Si ultimately discovered to have been trapped in the pocket universe and managed to get him out, with help from Hellboy, Eleven, and their new friends. However, it came at the cost of Eleven's life, as she sacrificed herself to rid the dimension of a monster that escaped from the pocket dimension (the Demigorgon).

    Though Will had been rescued and the threat of the pocket universe (the "Upside Down") closed, Si still had her doubts and remained in Hawkins with Hellboy to continue their investigation. Meanwhile, it turned out that Eleven had survived, transported to an alien world where she encountered Alicia (the 18th incarnation of Neas) and her companions, Newt Scamander (from Fantastic Beasts) and Ben Tennyson (from Ben 10).

    Alicia, Eleven, Newt, and Ben had traveled together for some time before they received an unexpected visit from the Eleventh Doctor, who had been tailing Si in Hawkins after discovering the dreaded and fabled entity Cthulhu had manifested in the Infinite DC and was being called to a specific place and time by the "Cult of Cthulhu," a faction of the Hierarchy -- an interdimensional organization bent on destroying Neas and ruling the entire multiverse.

    While Alicia, Newt, Ben, and Eleven went to investigate the whereabouts of Cthulhu (pinpointing it to have materialized in 1929 Louisiana), the Doctor and his companion Jake Pentecost (from Pacific Rim: Uprising) arrived in Hawkins just as the Cult made their entrance in town and nearly killed Si, Hellboy, and the Hawkins gang. Thankfully, they escaped (with newcomer Max Mayfield joining the adventure) and joined up with Alicia, Newt, Ben, and Eleven in 1929 Louisiana.

    Unfortunately, Alicia and her team weren't having the best of luck in 1929. After splitting up in their investigation, Alicia was captured by a gang of men who worked for Lucius Malfoy, who had taken up residence in 1929 Louisiana, thanks to the Hierarchy -- after his estate was nearly wiped out by the Dalek invasion that had befallen the Wizarding World. It is from the Malfoy estate that the Cult had established their base for calling on Cthulhu, keeping him deep underground, as Alicia herself had discovered before she escaped.

    The call is a success and Cthulhu emerges, triggering a war for the multiverse between the Hierarchy's Cult and the heroes. They make their final stand at Hogwarts, which is revealed to have survived the Dalek attack. Jake (with help from Si and Alicia) bring some BIG help in form of Jaegers, as well as King Kong and Godzilla (both of whom had emerged through a rift in Jake's world), to combat with Cthulhu. In the end, the heroes are victorious, and the Cult of Cthulhu is destroyed.

    However, back in the Upside Down, it is revealed that the culprits of the events that had transpired from the moment Si arrived in Hawkins were Ethos, Pathos, and Logos - incarnations of the same entity that refers to itself as "The Twilight Phantom".

Now all that remains is the AFTERMATH...


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