"The Gotham Grouchfest" - Part Four

Part Four

            It had been hours since Erica had been out of it. Alan carried her to one of the available bedrooms in Wayne Manor and sat bedside, waiting for the moment when she regained consciousness. To pass the time, Alan watched an old video recording – captured on his smartphone – of himself and Candace celebrating his 6th birthday. Candace was behind the camera, whereas little Alan was front and center with his triple-layered, purple-and-yellow birthday cake.

            It was a time that he wished he could have gone back to, before his mother’s regeneration. Conceivably, he could. He had the TARDIS – a ship capable of traveling anywhere and anytime. He watched his mother operate the controls enough times to know how to fly it. All he had to do was go back to the docks, get into it, and stop the moment Candace was shot to prevent the regeneration.

            These thoughts – whether they were flickers of wishful thinking or not – were sideswept as soon as he heard Erica awake with a gasp. “Take it easy,” he soothed her. “Everything’s O.K.”

            “Did I really see that…that…thing a second ago?” the uneasy detective asked.

            It took Alan a second to realize what “thing” she was talking about. “You mean Elmo?” He chuckled over the circumstance. “Yeah, that…that was something I’m still working on believing myself. But I’ll get used to it – and so will you.”

            She frowned as she detected the calmness in his voice. “You talk like you’ve been through something like this before. Where are you from, man? Because I’m certain it ain’t Gotham or anywhere else on Earth.”

            Alan momentarily hesitated before he decided to go into a full-blown explanation, not holding back on the details: “I’m from Earth, just not your Earth. Turns out that we live in an infinite number of universes, each one different than the other in some way, no matter how big or small.”

            “You’re talkin’ about the multiverse,” Erica scoffed. “That don’t exist.”

            “Did you or did you not just see Elmo before you passed out earlier?”

            Erica nodded. “Point taken.” She then realized, “Wait. Does any of this have to do with that stuff you fed me yesterday about your Asian mom being a white lady before she got shot?”

            “Yeah,” Alan petulantly confirmed. “Her real name is Neas, though most know her as ‘The Gladiator of Gallifrey’ – Gallifrey being the planet she was born on before she was raised on Earth. In her original body, she went by the name my grandparents gave her: Candace. Now, she goes by ‘Sonia’.”

            Erica got a headache trying to keep up with all of this. “And…you and her…pick up all these weird characters between traveling the multiverse?”

            “Sometimes we do,” Alan said. “Sometimes they just get lost and we help them get back to where they came from. That’s what we’re doing for Elmo and the other Sesame Street characters that are here in your world.”

            “I don’t believe this. I mean, I do. It’s just… Your Asian mama really was once a white blond woman.”

            “To be honest,” Alan sighed, “I’m not sure if she is my mother anymore.”


            Ear to the closed bedroom door, Sonia eavesdropped on the conversation between Alan and Erica, as did Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Mystery Inc., and the Sesame Street friends. When she heard Alan doubting whether or not she was his mother, Sonia was hurt and offended.

            Of course, she wasn’t the only one affected by certain facets of the conversation.

            “Elmo’s not a thing,” he sniffed. “Elmo’s a person.”

            “You most certainly are, Elmo,” Daphne comforted him. “The nerve of that Detective Harvey for saying such a horrible thing. Even the word itself makes me disgusted to say now!”

            Velma shushed her before her rants got any louder. They all moved away from the door, hoping that neither Alan nor Erica heard them all eavesdropping.

            Meanwhile, Bruce and Alfred were concerned with more pressing matters.

            “There’ve been reports in the last few hours about the Batman averting a hate crime at a subway station last night,” Alfred noted.

            “The only subway station I was at last night was the one where Rachel was almost mugged,” Bruce recollected. “There was no other crime that took place where I intervened as Batman.”

            “Your first night out and you’ve already attracted a copycat vigilante,” Alfred suspected. “Either that or he had the exact same idea as you.”

            “I certainly hope not,” Bruce admitted. “This is my fight, no one else’s!”

            “But it could be someone else’s, Master Wayne. Think of your family’s legacy. You’re all that’s left of it.”

            “What I’m doing is my family’s legacy, Alfred.”

            On that note, Bruce left to get suited up as Batman.

            Overhearing their conversation, Sonia and Skeeta approached Alfred. “We need to borrow one of your vehicles to follow after Bruce,” Sonia requested. “This other Batman…something tells us he’s not a copycat.”

            “He could be from another world, just like us,” Skeeta added.

            Unbeknownst to the Time Lords, their conversation with Alfred was overheard by Alan, who stepped out of the bedroom for a brief moment. He promptly went back inside and relayed what he overheard to Detective Harvey. “You drove here in your own car, right?”

            Erica eyed him suspiciously. “Yeah…why?”


            As night fell on Gotham City, a shadowed figure combed the rooftops, stopping just near the location of Arkham Asylum. However, this was not the other Batman, but a furry blue monster in a bright red cape with ropes tied around his wrists, a silver knight helmet, and a patch with the letter “G” on his chest.

            I’ll take over the narration from here, thank you!”

            Sure. Why not?

            “I…SUPER GROVER…find myself far from the cute and sunny neighborhood of Sesame Street and into a very scary and un-cute side of Sesame Street. Somewhere, a litterbug is littering and nose is being picked. It is the job of SUPER GROVER to make sure that cleanliness and good manners are upheld in these streets! Even now, I – SUPER GROVER – spot trouble nearby! And away I fl—ACK!”

            Super Grover’s takeoff wasn’t as graceful as he hoped, tripping over his own cape and colliding into a rooftop chicken coop. The “trouble” he spotted was at Arkham Asylum itself. When he was able to successfully fly there, he looked through the high window of one derelict corridor of the asylum, seeing a man in a scary mask and a lot of other men with guns standing over what Grover identified as, “A damsel in distress!”

            Just as he dared to pounce into action and rescue the damsel, he heard two loud thuds just behind him. He turned to see that it was two men dressed like bats.


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