
Showing posts from September, 2023

"The Lost Warriors" (1st Issue)


"The Gotham Grouchfest" - Part Six

  Part Six              Sonia preferred if her TARDIS  had  been confiscated by the police rather than stolen by total strangers. Gotham City – this version of it, at least – hadn’t exactly welcomed her with open arms. First attempted murder, then blatant racism, and now she could add robbery to the list.              The news only added fuel to the fire between her and Alan.              Yet another argument exploded between them upstairs in the manor, specifically within the study.              “You shouldn’t have been there in the first place!”              “Oh, so  now  you’re trying to be my mama?!”              “I’ve had enough of this insulting behavior of yours, Alan!”              “So, what? You’re gonna ground me? Spank me?”              “I never once laid a finger on you, and you know it!”              Oscar, who just happened to have been in the study at the time (reading a newspaper from his trashcan), even tired of their inconsistent bickering. “Hey!” he called, directing

"The Gotham Grouchfest" - Part Five

Part Five              Accompanied by the Mystery Incorporated kids in their “Mystery Machine,” Skeeta and Sonia followed Batman to Arkham Asylum and combed the area as discreetly as possible. Not very long after did Erica and Alan arrive in Erica’s car, with half of the Gotham City police force following close behind. Erica spotted Gordon and Flass among the men. “Stay here,” she instructed Alan as she got out of her car.              “What?!” Alan objected. “I thought we were in this together!”              “In  what  together, man?” Erica ridiculed. “I’m a cop, you’re a civilian. So, stay your butt in the car, while I do my thang!”              Of course, Alan didn’t follow her order for very long.              A few minutes after she left, he snuck out of her car and snooped around the asylum property. He noticed some activity happening within a derelict wing. While looking for a window to get a good view, he ran into a familiar, short-statured Asian woman, dressed in black.       

"The Gotham Grouchfest" - Part Four

Part Four              It had been hours since Erica had been out of it. Alan carried her to one of the available bedrooms in Wayne Manor and sat bedside, waiting for the moment when she regained consciousness. To pass the time, Alan watched an old video recording – captured on his smartphone – of himself and Candace celebrating his 6th birthday. Candace was behind the camera, whereas little Alan was front and center with his triple-layered, purple-and-yellow birthday cake.              It was a time that he wished he could have gone back to, before his mother’s regeneration. Conceivably, he could. He had the TARDIS – a ship capable of traveling anywhere and anytime. He watched his mother operate the controls enough times to know how to fly it. All he had to do was go back to the docks, get into it, and stop the moment Candace was shot to prevent the regeneration.              These thoughts – whether they were flickers of wishful thinking or not – were sideswept as soon as he heard Er