
Showing posts from July, 2023

"Dale Against the Universe" - Part Four (The Conclusion)

  Part Four             It was rather tense in Dale’s hotel room with Al-Lee sitting there among us. As she recapped the story of how she escaped from the stasis pod, I kept glancing over at Neas to see how he was taking all of this. Let’s just say that whatever trust he had in Al-Lee was dashed after discovering she was a Terminator. He gripped his plasma rifle as it rested on his lap, covertly aimed at her.             She told us of how she awoke in the stasis pod, confused as to why she was there in the first place. After she broke out of it, at the risk of stepping on glass shards (cutting the soles of her feet), she discovered the lab notes that I kept of her “situation,” detailing her Terminator biology and programming, which included her mission to terminate Neas.             The guilt on her face as she reflected on discovering the truth of herself seemed genuine and even made me feel quite a bit of pity for her. Neas, on the other hand, refused to believe it, probably

"Dale Against the Universe" - Part Three

  Part Three             Dale’s disappeared?! To where?! And why did he leave poor Kristin all alone?!             My mind jumped to several conclusions upon hearing this, painting Mr. Sydney in quite the negative light. Neas tried to reassure me that there was a reasonable explanation, but I wasn’t hearing it. I was too focused on getting back into the mansion and finding out what happened.             We arrived to find the whole place ransacked and Kristin practically wrought with dread from the night’s scare. She had already called the police before we showed up, so we sat together in the living room and waited with her. I gave her a glass of water and a Xanax to help calm her nerves. “My husband – my last one, that is – always knew when to give me these,” she said before taking the sedative.             “Sounds like a wise man.” I tried not to smile too much, giving praise to myself. I probably should have taken a Xanax myself, being as furious as I was at Dale. “I can’t

"Dale Against the Universe" - Part Two

Part Two             To say I was upset to see my wife with another man would be the understatement of the millennium. No, I was positively furious . But I kept my cool for Kristin’s sake. After all, she didn’t recognize me or Neas, not particularly after Neas introduced us and Craig as the new neighbors – a married couple and their son. Neas used his “Thomas” alias, while Craig and I kept our usual names. Of course, we couldn’t use “Curtsinger” as surnames, so we went with Craig’s family name (“Williams”).             We must’ve put on a reasonable first impression, since we were invited in for dinner. I was in a foul mood through most of it. Kristin whipped us up some fried chicken with mashed potatoes, green peas, and her delectable gravy. It was good to know she still had a strong southern palate, even all this way out west.             Dale was an interesting man, to say the least.             The topic that took up most of our dinner conversation was him being a veteran a

"Dale Against the Universe" - Part One

  Part One             Not every day is always a good one when traversing the infinite dimensional corridor. Sure, the worlds are amazing and beautiful; but they can be deadly and dangerous all the same. However, in this case, it wasn’t so much as the world we encountered, but the thing we brought to it.             It had happened one journey we made to one of the realms that were influenced by the ongoing Cyber War – an interdimensional conflict in which sentient machines battle against each other or a human resistance of some kind. It began with the Cybermen, who tapped into the Infinite DC and began cyber-converting within each of the worlds. And then, one day, they received more than they bargained for when they encountered Skynet, a highly-advanced, self-aware computer system possessing artificial intelligence.             The encounter also granted Skynet access to the Infinite DC, expanding on their goal for the extermination of mankind while also eradicating the threat o