
Showing posts from September, 2024

"Aftermath" - Part Seven

  Part Seven              Eddie was a comforting presence in the console room, after Si’s devastating altercation with Max. He found the electric guitar that Si left sitting in the corner, neglected for the past year, and gently played a few chords from Metallica’s “Master of Puppets.” Si appreciated that her guitar had been put to such use and told Eddie, “It’s yours, if you like it.”              Looking up from the sleek red guitar, Eddie gazed on his Time Lord hostess with misty eyes. “R-Really? I…I don’t wanna just take your stuff from ya.”              “So long as you take good care of it, it’s cool,” Si permitted.              “Yes, ma’am,” Eddie snickered.              As Eddie cherished his new gift, Si disembarked from her ship, stepping from the warm, comforting climate of the console room to the cold, unsettling atmosphere of what looked like the former site of a missile silo complex. Waiting there in the room where her TARDIS materialized was a suited white-haired man well

"Aftermath" - Part Six

Part Six              A vast endless expanse of nothingness, the void was a visual representation of a psychokinetic individual’s mind – a psychokinetic individual such as Jane. She could only access it when sensorily deprived, usually when submerged in a sensory deprivation tank. But, since one wasn’t available in the Hopper household, she would have to settle on simply blindfolding herself and listening to white noise from the living room television set; this was sufficient to induce the state. Of course, there was still the side effect of nosebleeds, which was why Will supplied a box of fresh Kleenexes for her.              Inside the void, what Jane perceived as a floor was nothing but a thin layer of water. It was completely empty, except for herself or whatever or whoever she was trying to locate – which, in these current circumstances, was Si. There was only one place Jane knew where she could’ve been and that was inside her TARDIS.              The ship’s central console was th

"Aftermath" - Part Five

Part Five             Si hadn’t anticipated for the Hostile Action Displacement System (“HADS” for short) to be triggered in the power struggle between the Mothergate and her TARDIS. She pushed it too far, and now one of the most valued defense mechanisms of her ship transported her and Hellboy to someplace it designated to be safer, away from the danger. While this was useful in most circumstances, it was a nuisance in others – especially with a unique Type-Z model.             The HADS on a Type-Z weren’t like those on a Type-40, which would rematerialize the TARDIS just a short distance within the same time and space. With a Type-Z model, the TARDIS would rematerialize in another dimension and would return to its point of origin after 48 hours, unless otherwise by its operator.             The specific dimension Si and Hellboy were brought to via HADS appeared to be a laboratory within some sort of top-secret government facility. There was a large swimming pool nearby.             “