
Showing posts from March, 2024

"Love and Monsters Redux" - Part Six

Part Six             The following day,  Giles rushed into Kara ’ s TARDIS and alerted, “Something’s wrong with him!” Kara and Mireya already knew who he was referring to, wasting no time in following Giles to Elisa’s bathroom. There, they saw Elisa with the Amphibian Man, who was wheezing in the tub, as if he were on dry land.              Craig brought up the rear with Bryson and Hellboy, also taking notice of the Amphibian Man’s condition. “He doesn’t look so good,” Craig indicated.              “But why?” Bryson asked. “He’s in water.” His point was further emphasized as Elisa poured some of the bathwater onto him, to no avail.              “He needs to return back to his natural habitat – the ocean,” Kara proposed.              Giles placed his comforting hands upon Elisa’s shoulders. “You understand what she’s suggesting, honey? You’ll have to let him go.”              Elisa gave a slight nod, a tear falling from the corner of her left eye. --------------------------------       

"Love and Monsters Redux" - Part Five

Part Five              Head in hands, Bryson sat outside in the hallway between Giles and Elisa’s apartments, lost in thought and overwhelmed with despair. His concentration was broken when he heard an uproar of laughter that made its way upstairs. The adults – Kara, Mireya, and Giles – had returned.              “I can’t believe you two  did  that!” Giles howled. “I wish I was there to see the look on his face, stuffing that disgusting pie down his pants!”              “Oh, Pop can show you – she’s totally nailed it,” Kara said. “Show ‘im, Pop.”              Mireya commenced in reenacting the moment, mirroring the Pie Guy’s precise gestures and mortified expressions, to the amusement of Giles and Kara. As an added bonus, she included a reenactment of the Pie Guy getting kneed in the groin, committing to the performance by thudding to the floor, grasping her own groin. Giles and Kara were in stitches, leaning against the wall and holding their sides.              Bryson didn’t know wha

"Love and Monsters Redux" - Part Four

Part Four              Mireya  switched her outfit back to the alluring, green silk dress and black corset she commonly wore in this regeneration. She stepped out of Kara’s TARDIS and Elisa’s apartment altogether, heading over to Giles’, where she found Kara observing one of his paintings. “Whatcha lookin’ at?” she asked her.              “The so-called ‘American Dream’,” Kara said in disdain, getting an eyeful of the happy family in the painting. “I never could understand the obsession of a White America in this period.”              “Neither could I,” Mireya wretchedly concurred.             Somewhat changing the subject, Kara mentioned,  “Would you believe some guy in the theater downstairs mistook me for Dorothy Provine? Why would   she   of all people be in a low-rent movie theater wearing a hoodie and jeans?!”              “Well, ya do kinda look like her,” Mireya said. “Both her  and  Doris Day.”              “Oh, now Doris I  can  work with.” Kara mockingly galloped over to Gil