
Showing posts from February, 2024

"Love and Monsters Redux" - Part Two

Part Two              Separated from Craig and Bryson, Kara and Mireya were placed in a bland interrogation room with four teal walls. They were seated at a detention bench and shackled to its handcuff bar. “Is any of this  really  necessary?” Kara grumbled.              “Well, we  did  try to break out Hellboy,” Mireya noted.              “Hellboy?” Kara ruminated on the name. “You mean that weird red demon fella? Is  he  the one who sent the distress signal?” Kara considered the notion, smirking as she did. “Guess that’d make him one of my companions…clearly one from my future.” She eyed Mireya dubiously. “How is it that  you  know him?”              “Long story,” Mireya sighed. She was exhausted enough as it was.              “It seems like we got the time,” Kara shrugged.              “Let’s just say ‘spoilers’ for now and leave it at that,” Mireya insisted. “Besides, I’m far too concerned with Craig and his cousin to even think about Hellboy.”              “You’re right,” Kara his

"Love and Monsters Redux" - Part One

Part One              How do I always end up in these messes?!?!             That was the question that ran through Hellboy’s mind, as he himself ran through the halls of what he initially presumed to be the headquarters of the B.P.R.D. (“Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense”). Obviously, judging from the MPs and lab coats hunting him down, he was  not  in the B.P.R.D. headquarters.             For a while, he believed that he was.             In one of the areas of the complex, there was a room – a laboratory – reserved for a large swimming pool. At first, Hellboy figured the B.P.R.D. upgraded a new domain for Abe Sapien, his fellow agent and frequent partner. There was a creature in the pool that resembled Abe, which led Hellboy to greet him as such, but the creature didn’t respond. It was incapable of speech, unlike Abe.             That should’ve been Hellboy’s first clue that he was not in his reality. Regrettably, as soon as the base’s personnel discovered him, it was too l