
Showing posts from August, 2023

"The Gotham Grouchfest" - Part Three

Part Three              Just when Erica thought the evening of weirdness was over, she and Gordon were called in to investigate an incident at a subway station downtown. Mr. Cho, a meek accountant who took the train home for the first time in a while, was nearly the victim of a hate crime. That was until he was saved by a man dressed as a bat.              “Same description as the nut over at the docks where we found those  other  nuts,” Erica indicated. “Who  is  this guy, Jim? And why is he making this such a busy night for us?”              Gordon shrugged. “Ya got me, detective.”              Erica could see how exhausted he was. “You want me to take lead on this one?”              “If you can  find  a lead, that is,” Gordon disputed.              “Oh, I think I know a good place to start,” Erica perceptively smirked. -----------------------              Alan couldn’t take his mind off of that detective, Erica Harvey, even as he got himself ready for bed. Bruce Wayne allowed them a

"The Gotham Grouchfest" - Part Two

Part Two              Elmo and Scooby-Doo were the only ones spared from being apprehended by the Gotham City Police, both following Fred’s orders to stay by the Mystery Machine. When the sound of gunshots erupted in the air, Elmo was terrified but Scooby kept the furry, red little monster safe (to the best of his ability). The moment the police arrived, they hid in the shadows. The Mystery Machine was impounded by the police, leaving Scooby and Elmo with no other choice but to follow them on foot – Elmo riding on Scooby-Doo’s back.              They arrived a half hour later at the location of the GCPD headquarters, standing secluded within an alley across from the entrance. “Elmo and Scooby gotta do something to help,” Elmo suggested. “Elmo and Scooby’s friends are innocent.”              “Rut do re do?” Scooby asked.              As the furry red monster and the Great Dane pondered on a plan, they heard a vehicle pull up behind them, shining its headlights on them both. Because of t

"The Gotham Grouchfest" - Part One

Part One              Alan Harris had grown up so much in Candace’s eyes. He had come a long way from the little boy she found in one of the New York dimensions, having lost his family in an alien invasion. He and Candace traveled together most of his life, and while she only garnered a few extra wrinkles on her beautifully aging face, Alan had grown into quite the handsome young man.              It made her wonder how much longer he could go on journeying with her. In a few days, it would be his twentieth birthday. He already showed signs of edginess since turning eighteen, but Candace only presumed it to be the usual teen angst. Now she knew better. Alan eventually had to live his own life.              Beeping from her TARDIS control console diverted her attention away from Alan and onto something rare: “There’s another TARDIS following us in the dimensional corridor.”              “That ain’t possible, is it?” Alan questioned. “I mean, yours is the only one I know.”              E