
Showing posts from March, 2023

"Infinite Darkness" - Part Six

  Part Six             To have William back just to watch him die again was unacceptable for Boss Johns. Blinded by raging grief, he retaliated against the Mud Demon that claimed his son’s life. He fired round after round on the creature, not realizing that everyone else had been pushed back into the mercenary station while he remained where he was. He would have joined his son’s fate had the elder Riddick not grabbed him and brought him inside the station.             Not everyone made it inside, regrettably.             Santana and some of his crew perished along with two men from Boss Johns’ crew: Moss and Lockspur.             Dahl and Diaz, both the second-in-command to their respective captains, were the only pair to successfully make it inside the station with the other survivors. Diaz was himself enraged by the lost of Santana, his best friend. “I’ll kill every last single one of those things!” he avowed.             “What good it’ll do you, if you get killed yourself

"Infinite Darkness" - Part Five

  Part Five             The Mud Demons measured their human prey for near a minute before one of them finally decided to spring. Fry and Johns opened fire, taking the ravenous creature out instantly. Their shots only encouraged the other Mud Demons to attack in retaliation, putting Fry and Johns on the defense with Riddick and Westlake. Imam and Jack took cover with Mandy, who carried the unconscious Clarence in her arms.             Riddick made short work of the one Mud Demon he focused on, knowing where its weak points were. He was able to withstand a venomous bite to his leg, decapitating the Mud Demon while its jaws were locked on him.             After a while, the Mud Demons were no longer able to stay out of the pools.             They retreated back into the waters to avoid the risk of drying out.             Johns, however, had a different take on the circumstance: “Looks like we scared them off. But, for how long, who knows? Except for obviously you, Riddick.”   

"Infinite Darkness" - Part Four

  Part Four             Not-Furya?             Mandy didn’t find it to be much of an original name and obviously something that Riddick himself thought up. Regardless, it clued her on the fact that they were still in the same dimension, following the Anti-Angel’s latest attack – albeit much further in the timeline. It was an unusual method to Mandy. A Weeping Angel had never been known to send someone forward in time. That just made the Anti-Angel an even more special case for Mandy to look into…if she could survive long enough.             “We need to take shelter now ,” Riddick advised, indicating the peculiar vultures that circled several feet above them, anxiously waiting for one of them to die.             “You seem to know your way around this place,” Johns retorted. “You lead.”             Riddick gave an amused smirk at Johns’ consent. He had to be desperate to trust him of all people to take leadership.             Recounting his last time on Not-Furya, he brought

"Infinite Darkness" - Part Three

  Part Three             It was the perfect trap.             There was no telling which shadow was a regular one and which was the Vashta Nerada. Neither Mandy nor Fry ventured the risk of sorting them out. Still, they had to escape from the cavern before the one column of light they stood within shifted and left them to the shadows.             Suddenly, a line dropped in front of them. “Grab hold!” a voice echoed through the spire above.             It was Johns, who gave Mandy and Fry a way out of the domain.             They wasted no time in climbing to freedom.             Realizing Riddick was right about the Vashta Nerada – the real culprits of Zeke’s murder, he was immediately exonerated and released. Mandy enlisted in his help, along with the other Hunter survivors, to find Westlake. “There’s an abandoned geological research settlement not far from here,” he told Mandy and the group.             “And how do you know about it?” the suspicious Johns questioned.

"Infinite Darkness" - Part Two

  Part Two             Not again!             Riddick knew where this was heading. He had been through this scene before.             Zeke was dead again , but not quite the same as last time. It wasn’t a Bioraptor that got him; it was something else that preyed in the darkness. Of course, there was no way to prove that, especially not with him standing over the dead body in front of Fry and the rest of the survivors.             Just like before, he tried to run away from the scene of the crime.             Shazza opened fire on him in a fit of rage.             As he ran, he remembered something important – something that happened in this same scenario that he was prepared for this time.             Johns.             He sprung out from behind a rock to trip him with his baton.             But Riddick was ready, leaping over the baton. How did he see that coming? The thought rang through Johns’ mind, as he was now standing face-to-face with Riddick. Something was