
Showing posts from December, 2022

Chapter Fourteen: Bedfellows

  Chapter Fourteen: Bedfellows             With the unified efforts of three Gladiators of Gallifrey, the Louisianan townsfolk were saved from the threat of Cthulhu, albeit at the loss of their world. Now refugees from their place and time in the multiverse, much of them slept in the three conjoined TARDISes that skated along the infinite dimensional corridor, along with the companions of the three Gladiators.             Maureen stood alone in the console room of her portion of the TARDIS, adorned in her old Hogwarts school uniform. “You still wear that silly thing, even when you aren’t really a student,” a judgmental voice criticized her. She turned to see Draco Malfoy entering the room.             Despite his snooty demeanor, he was in quite the state of shock from the previous events that had transpired. “How’re you holding up?” Maureen asked him.             “Like you care,” Draco scoffed.             “I do, kiddo. Whether you choose to believe it or not.”