
Showing posts from November, 2022

Chapter Thirteen: The Wrath of Cthulhu

  Chapter Thirteen: The Wrath of Cthulhu             “One…two…three…GO!”             The second after Ben finished counting, he and Billy Batson commenced in their ice cream-eating contest. They held it in the kitchen of Maureen’s TARDIS as a means of entertaining Samuel, as well as Gizmo. Of course, Samuel had no clue why the two adolescent boys held such a meaningless competition – he didn’t even know what ice cream was until then.             Tennyson and Batson ate an assortment of flavors out of bowls half their sizes, until one of them was hit with massive brain freeze. “Argh!” Tennyson groaned, clutching both sides of his head.             “YEAH!” Batson cheered, standing up from his chair with his arms held high in victory. “The winner and still the Ice Cream Eating Champion, Billy Batson!”             “Aw, man,” Ben groaned. “How did I lose?”             “‘Cause you don’t have the explicit set of skills that I do, dude,” Billy told Ben.             “Whatever,” B

Chapter Twelve: The Call of Cthulhu

  Chapter Twelve: The Call of Cthulhu             As nauseating as it was for Si to admit, the Malfoys really knew how to throw quite the extravagant party, even if it did have their morbid sense of haute couture with everyone dressed in black. More like haunt couture , Si thought to herself. It was only by the grace of luck (and her knowledge of Malfoys) that she came to the shindig in her own black, mid-cut dress.             “Excuse me, young lady?” one of the gentlemen in attendance approached her.             She turned in his direction and received the shock of her life when she found herself standing face-to-face with the famed author himself, H.P. Lovecraft. His appearance was just as dignified (if not a little melancholic) as in his old photographs with his pursed lips and long chin.             “Do you happen to know what the time is?” he asked her.             Si could hardly believe he was even there – in Louisiana of all places. “I-It, uh…i-it’s almost eight o’