
Showing posts from August, 2022

Chapter Six: Crazy Train

  Chapter Six: Crazy Train             Ruth used to hate being body-slammed on the mat. For that matter, she used to hate the whole wrestling gimmick from the start. She was only in it for the stardom – to be recognized for the talented actress she knew she was. But, after a while, it all began to feel right to her. Wrestling was basically acting intermixed with sports.             Her friend, Debbie, had the same epiphany when she went to one wrestling event. And now, as “Liberty Belle” (the in-ring rival of Ruth’s “Zoya the Destroya”), she was just as much in it as Ruth.             The cheer of the fans brought smiles to the faces of both women.             Of course, most of those cheers were for Debbie/Liberty. They especially roared over the Irish whip she reversed on Ruth/Zoya right into the turnbuckle. Ruth feigned pain while leaning against the turnbuckle; it gave her the chance to catch her breath while Debbie posed for the crowd. Despite being the heel to Debbie’s fa

Chapter Five: The Lesser Kind

  Chapter Five: The Lesser Kind             Alicia didn’t think she had to use her TARDIS’s DNA locator-sequencer to pinpoint a precise African American community in Baton Rouge to begin her Cthulhu investigation. She discovered from the TARDIS computer that they landed in Louisiana in the year 1929, which verified Newt’s suspicions. Not that Alicia needed the verification, after the racism she was subjected to by that man in the Ford Model T.             No, what she needed was a change of clothes to replace the tobacco-stained ones she had on. After a quick shower, she swapped them out for a pink dress, an outfit she felt was the closest to being “era-appropriate” (even though its design was something out of the 1950s).             Her TARDIS ultimately brought her and Eleven near a low-class community in the boonies, which mostly consisted of blacks. It was exactly where Alicia wanted to be, leaving the TARDIS (camouflaged deep within the woods) along with Eleven to meet with