
Showing posts from July, 2022

Chapter Four: The GLOW Show

  Chapter Four: The GLOW Show             It was rare to see the town of Hawkins buzzing with so much energy like it did that eventful summer evening. Half of the town came to the bingo hall for the sold-out GLOW show happening there. That included a highly reluctant Joyce Byers and a somewhat eager Jim Hopper.             “I really don’t know how you talked me into this, Hopp,” Joyce grumbled, sitting with her arms folded in Jim’s parked police truck. “A GLOW show for date night?”             “To be honest, I wasn’t even sure this was a date,” Jim said. “Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy it?”             “I’m only going to this to see what the fuss is about. Will practically begged and pleaded me to go to one.”             “What did you tell him?”             “I told him ‘No,’ of course. Have you seen the commercials?! The revealing outfits these girls wear?! It’s like something out of a porno!”             “Yeah, I have.” The charmed way in which Jim answered attracted a

Chapter Three: The Great Old One

  Chapter Three: The Great Old One             Draco had hoped all of the weirdness would’ve been behind him by now. He was finally back home with his parents. And then they dropped the bombshell on him about being in another dimension. Another place, another time. It still hadn’t sunk in, even the next morning. He didn’t sleep a wink last night, thinking so much about it.             He was thankful that everything in the manor looked the same, including his bedroom. It still had that majestic view of the front yard with all the hedges, except now there were all the black men that his father had working on their property for reasons he had yet to explain to him.              “Draco?” His mother, Narcissa, stood near the open doorway of his bedroom. She looked so beautiful in the light of the sun, shining through the large window. “Are you hungry? Breakfast has been prepared.”             “I don’t feel very much like eating, Mother,” the melancholic Draco said.             Narc

Chapter Two: Uprising

  Chapter Two: Uprising             “The Gladiator’s a teenager now! I’ve never been a teenager – not since a thousand years ago, at least! Does she have the mind of a teenager? Blimey! I hope not! That would complicate things!”             If a blue police box sitting at the street corner of an all-American suburb wasn’t off-putting enough, the young Englishman babbling to himself as he walked up to it was a certain contender. The Doctor had just found the very reason he exhausted much of the TARDIS’s energy, coming to one of the realms in the infinite dimensional corridor. The teenaged blonde he saw with the four boys was definitely Neas. She basically left a trail of nuage energy that was easily detectable with a sonic screwdriver.             He returned to the TARDIS, figuring that his latest companion had grown weary of waiting on him. Normally, when the Doctor picked up someone in his travels (whether it was by happenstance or on purpose), it was either from another place