
Showing posts from June, 2022

Prologue: Home Sweet Home

  Prologue: Home Sweet Home             I don’t need your praise. I need you to return me to my home.             I’ll do so, as promised, dearie. But, firstly, we have an important stop to make…and I’m gonna need your special little wand to get us there.             Missy kept her word. Draco casted a spell to her vortex manipulator device, sending himself and Missy across all space and time to the Time Lord planet of Gallifrey. They brought along their “prize” – the unconscious body of Zoe Curtsinger, a girl about Draco’s age who was the teenaged counterpart of Neas, the Gladiator of Gallifrey.             It was all a bizarre circumstance to Draco, which was saying a lot from the life that he left behind the day Hogwarts fell to that “Dalek,” as Maureen called it. Of course, it was her fault that it happened. She lied about who she was – and who she was turned out to be Neas herself.             There was only one home left for Draco now: Malfoy Manor.             He wa